flesh out
英 [fleʃ aʊt]
美 [fleʃ aʊt]
加细节于; 使丰满; 充实
- become round, plump, or shapely
- The young woman is fleshing out
- add details, as to an account or idea
- She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation
- make fat or plump
- We will plump out that poor starving child
- In the next Mastering Grails article, you'll flesh out the user authentication and authorization story more fully.
在下一篇精通Grails的文章中,您将更为全面地了解用户身份验证和授权的相关内容。 - Only when the architecture is set and proven to meet the significant requirements is it safe to flesh out the system's functionality.
当架构已经确定并且被证明符合重要需求之后,填充系统功能就很安全了。 - Let's go back and flesh out the match subroutine
让我们回去充实match子例程 - Linda didn't say anything about this, so apparently, I need to flesh out some new behavior myself.
Linda对此没有进行解释,所以,显然我需要自己添加新的行为。 - When I develop software, I try to flesh out the data layer of an application before doing anything else: it is unusual for a useful application not to depend on some sort of data.
当我开发软件时,首先要做的就是充实应用程序的数据层:如果一个有用的应用程序不依靠数据,未免太不正常。 - Both countries have attached great importance to the visit and are making earnest preparation to flesh out details of it, including the agenda and schedule.
中美双方对这次访问高度重视,正就访问的细节包括你提到的日程安排和议题等进行认真准备。 - It through relevant scope of discretion to exercise legal norms to flesh out explains that uniformity, to ensure discretion exercised by equality and openness.
它通过对有关裁量权行使范围等方面的法律规范加以具体化的解释,以确保裁量权行使的统一性、平等性和公开性。 - Her stories flesh out the world in which these historical characters lived.
她的故事使这些历史人物生活的世界变得鲜海起来。 - This extra chapter will flesh out some of the material from the book: extra openers, a piece on storytelling and a sample attraction routine, and a development path for you.
这个附篇将从本书充实一些材料:额外的开始,一块讲故事和样本的吸引力,适于你的发展之路。 - The playwright often fails to flesh out his characters.